Lessons for My Children Books 1-4

The lessons contained in these books, are Powerful, or maybe a better way to put it is that they lead to Inner Power. They lead to Freedom. They lead to Abundance, Love, Life, Wholeness, Unity, anything your mind could imagine having in a Perfect World, and so much more. Could you imagine a life without fear, hatred, or disease? How about a life of absolute creativity that goes on and on forever? How about a way to not only bring yourself up out of the appearances of limitation, anger, or lack of any kind, but to also be able to do that for your loved ones, your friends, in fact, the whole world?

Doing these lessons earnestly, and consistently, will change you. They will make you a warrior – a Powerful Warrior – a Warrior that will change the world from the inside out, bringing Love and Peace to every corner of our Universe.

These lessons are not new by any means, but maybe just revealed by the author in a new and different way. They originated through the teachings he received in the tiny living room of Paula Scott, a spiritual master he met some 50 years ago. The wisdom reflected in these lessons was shaped by many masters along the way, along with deep “Listening Within.”

The lessons are not simply for reading, but for practicing. Each lesson contains understanding that is beyond the worldly appearances - beyond the intellect. Each has a section at the end, suggesting the practice for the day. This is the beginning of a wonderful journey, moment by moment, as we learn Who We Are, and Why We Are Here! We’re all together on this path – all of us holding hands!

Welcome to this freeing journey to the top of the Mountain of Enlightenment!

Paperbacks and eBooks Available Now!

Book 1: The Gentle Path to Enlightenment

Book 2: Listening Within and Letting Go

Book 3: Living in the Moment and Seeing the Real

Book 4: View from the Top of the Mountain

What People are Saying...

This book is beautifully written and I love and look forward to starting each day reading a daily lesson. I find myself pondering the lessons throughout the day and am easily able to fit it into my busy life. As a very busy mom and full time worker this is the perfect way for me to read a book. I really enjoy starting out each morning reading a few pages at time. It allows me to soak in the message and practice it at a good pace. I hope you get this book and enjoy it as much as I do, you will be happy you did!


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