Excerpts from the Books

Today, as often as we think about it, let’s live our lives in the Now, fully aware of what we are doing. Today, while being aware that we are thinking and “being” in the present moment, we can experiment. We can change our thinking. We can begin with the simple phrase, “All is Well Now” or “All is Healed Now.” And then we let go of the passing thoughts of the world and go back to doing and saying whatever must be done and said, Now.


A basic premise of these lessons is that nothing happens by accident. Thus, the fact that we are reading these words together is no accident. These lessons are written for everyone, every age, gender, background, religion, and ethnicity. It makes no difference. We are all here on this beautiful planet in a learning mode, and we will all, sooner or later, learn everything that is contained on these pages. We will learn that we are far more Powerful and Free than we ever knew possible. We are healers! As we bring ourselves up, we bring all others up with us. 

Yes, everyone is on his or her own particular path to enlightenment – whether they know it or not. Some paths are longer and more difficult than others, but they all, eventually, lead to the same place. These lessons offer the fast-track to becoming that amazing being we have always, deep within, known ourselves to be. Each lesson is a tool for learning, with daily practices at the end to help us change the way we think. As we change our consciousness, as we change our “belief,” our world will change with it – easily, naturally, and always for the better.
